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Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare Agreement

Hours of Operation: Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare is open from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday thru Friday.  Your hours will be outlined in the child information sheet.  Two weeks' written notice is required to request a change in your contracted hours.  Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare reserve the right to terminate this childcare agreement if the hours you require do not fit within the hours outlined in this contract.  Due to strict rules set in place by the State of Utah, we will need to know when your child(ren) will be in our care so that we do not go over the limits set by the State.  Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare will have limited slots daily.                                                                           


Communication: Communication is very important to us.  When we accept a new family into our home, we like to be sure that we can share openly any concerns or questions that may arise.  We welcome questions, feedback, or discussions of any kind that are oriented towards a positive outcome for the child(ren).  It is only through parent/provider interaction that the goal of quality, nurturing care can be achieved.  Sensitive issues will be discussed in private or through email/text.   You are encouraged to text or call us at any time if there is anything you wish to address. If you call during the day, please be aware that we may be busy with the children and not able to answer the phone.  If you send us a text or leave a message we will get back to you as soon as possible.                                                                                                                                                                                    

Open Door Policy: Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare maintains an open-door policy for its parent(s).  Parent(s) are welcome to drop in anytime while their child(ren) are in our care, or call anytime during regular childcare hours.  Our open-door policy does not mean that our doors will be kept unlocked or that you are free to walk in on your own.  When you arrive at our home please text, call, or ring the doorbell.               


Enrollment Policy: Here is a list of requirements we need in our hand before your child(ren) is/are officially enrolled in Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare. The spot will remain open until we have all of the items listed below:

  • Signed Demographic and Childcare Agreement Form

  • Child Information Sheet

  • $15 Non-Refundable Enrollment Fee Per Child


Current Childcare Fees:

  • $15 Non-Refundable Enrollment Fee Per Child

  • $4.00/Hour Per Child


Overtime Fees:  Overtime means any unscheduled time your child is in our care. Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare may charge an overtime rate of $6.00/Hour Per Child if not picked up within 10 minutes of scheduled time according to child information sheet.  We do understand that emergencies situations arise that may delay pick up of your child(ren).  Please be considerate and call us if you think you might be late picking up or dropping off your child.  The overtime fee will be charged at Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare discretion.  Habitual tardiness may result in termination this contract. 


Payment Procedures:  Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare operates off of a two week pay period.  Payment is due every two weeks unless other arrangements have been made and agreed to by both parties in writing.  Payment can be made through cash, check or Venmo.  Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare will send a statement at the end of each two week pay period showing the amount that is due.  A payment request through Venmo will also be sent out, however, payment can be made using any of the approved methods above.  Payments are due within 2 days of payment request unless prior arrangements are made.


Late Payment Fees: A late fee of $25 may be charged for any payment not received within 2 days following payment request unless other payment arrangements have been made ahead of time.  Your child will not be able to attend childcare until payment, including all late fees, are paid in full.  Non-payment or repeated late payments without making prior arrangements are grounds for immediate termination of this childcare contract.  Should it become necessary to go to court over non-payment of fees owed, parent will be responsible for all costs including non-payments owed and any attorney fees incurred.              


Provider Vacation and Holidays: (Generally all major Holidays that school is out we will also be closed).

  • New Years Eve & New Years Day (December 31st & January 1st)

  • Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)

  • Independence Day (July 4th)

  • Pioneer Day (July 24th)

  • Labor Day (1st Monday in September)

  • Thanksgiving Day (Last Thursday in November)

  • Christmas Eve & Christmas Day (December 24th & 25th)


If the holiday falls on a weekend, Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare will be closed on the day it is observed.  You will be given a minimum of two weeks' notice when we plan on having any other closure dates.  Parents are not required to pay on days that Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare is closed.


Parent Vacation, Absences/Extended Leave: Parents will be required to pay for absences that are within the scheduled times agreed upon according to child information sheet.  Parents are required to pay for the scheduled time in order to hold the child’s spot (i.e. child arrives later or is picked up earlier than scheduled time for the day, parent would still be required to pay for the full scheduled time according to the child information sheet).  Parents should be considerate and give Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare as much notice as possible when their child will be absent from our care.  Frequent absences may result in termination of this childcare agreement at the discretion of Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare.  Parents are NOT required to pay fees when their child(ren) is absent from care to hold their spot for vacation absences as long as 2 week advanced notice is given ahead of time.  In cases of extended leave (i.e., vacation, long-term illness, etc.) Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare reserves the right to terminate this childcare agreement should your child(ren) absenteeism exceed 2 weeks.


Termination of Childcare Agreement: A two-week written notice is required by either party to terminate this childcare agreement.  Any abuse or violation of the rules/policies of this agreement may be just cause for immediate termination, where no notice will be given.  Immediate termination of this agreement may occur if Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare deems it necessary due to a child's behavior problem or dangerous parental situation.  Absences of more than one week without notification and/or payment will result in termination of this contract.


Arrival and Departure: Please send your child(ren) clean, dressed for the day (in weather appropriate attire), and fed (we do not serve Breakfast).  If you are unable to feed your child(ren) before dropping them off, please bring something for them to eat for Breakfast.  Please make your goodbye brief (no longer than a couple of minutes).  Children's separation anxiety will usually subside soon after you leave.  Feel free to call or text us after you've left or at any time to see how your child is doing.  Please be considerate and contact us if you are going to be late dropping off or picking up your child.


At pickup, please do not allow your child to run out to the car while you are still inside or while you are not outside with them.  The safety rule is no one goes outside without their parent with them.   Our normal procedure is to release the child only to his/her parents or someone the parents have designated.


If someone other than the parent is to pick up the child, please notify us ahead of time.  A verbal notice the day of is fine if the person is on the list of people authorized to pick up your child.  If the person is not on authorized pickup list, we must have written permission to release your child.  Authorized persons picking up your child may be asked for photo identification.  The safety of the children is a main concern of ours.  In the unlikely event that a parent or designated adult picking up a child is in a condition that could preclude the child from reaching home/destination safely, the following action may be taken:  1) Call the parent or other emergency contact or 2) In severe cases, call Law Enforcement.               


Mandatory Reporting: Utah’s Child Abuse Reporting Law, Law 62A-4a-403, requires, “any person who has reason to believe that a child has been subjected to abuse, or neglect to immediately notify the nearest office of Child and Family Services, a peace officer, or a law enforcement agency”.  Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare is a mandatory reporter and as such, if there is suspected abuse or neglect of a child, will be required to notify the appropriate authorities (i.e. Law Enforcement, Child Protective Services (CPS), etc.).


Smoking, Vaping, Alcohol or any other illegal substance use will not be allowed in our home or on our property at any time.  We request that you refrain from smoking, vaping, drinking alcoholic beverages or using any other illegal substances while visiting our home at drop-off and pickup times.  If we feel that the parent or other authorized pickup person are under the influence of alcohol or other illicit drugs when picking up your child, law enforcement may be notified for the safety of the child(ren).


**If there is a court order keeping one parent, family member or friend away from the child(ren), we must have a written note from the custodial parent requesting no contact be made. Otherwise, we cannot prevent the non-custodial parent from picking up the child.  A copy of the court order will also be needed so that we are also aware of any of the terms set forth by the court.               


Activities and Curriculum: Age-appropriate activities are scheduled with flexibility allowed to respond to the needs of the individual child.  The main goal of this childcare is to learn while having fun and promote the growth of children's physical, emotional, intellectual, and social skills.  We will be utilizing a variety of activities to accomplish this goal.  Some activities we may do during the day consist of singing and dancing, discussion, games, outdoor play, free play, sensory activities, story time/reading, art and crafts, baking, music/singing, imaginative play, and puzzles.  This is a general guideline only.  Our schedule may vary due to children's wishes, special activity days, school schedules etc.


Child/Provider Illness:  A parent must keep the child(ren) at home if the child(ren) is/has any symptoms of the following medical conditions listed below.  If provider becomes sick, parents will be notified and closure of daycare may occur.

  • Conjunctivitis or pink eye, or any type of eye infection, eye discharge.

  • Impetigo or any rash until it is identified as not being contagious by your doctor.

  • Diarrhea, loose or runny bowel movement that looks different and is more frequent than the child's usual stool. Please provide a doctor's note if you feel your child's diarrhea is due to teething. Diarrhea is otherwise highly contagious.

  • Nausea

  • Vomiting

  • Abdominal pain

  • Fever of 100°F or more which may be an indication that your child is fighting a bacterial or viral infection.

  • Severe cold with listlessness, fever, sore throat, coughing, eye drainage, or constant thick colored nasal drainage.

  • Severe hacking cough or untreated wheezing.

  • Untreated lice or scabies.


If your child becomes sick during the day, the parents will be contacted to immediately pick them up. If Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare is unable to reach the parents when your child is sick, we will contact one of your emergency contacts to pick up your child.


Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare may administer infant/children’s Tylenol (Acetaminophen) according to manufacturer recommendations, as needed, but will only do so with a parent's consent.


With the following contagious diseases, the child must be kept away from our childcare to prevent further spread:



*Chicken Pox



*Scarlet Fever



If a doctor diagnoses your child with an ear or throat infection and places the child on an antibiotic, your child must remain away until he/she has been on the medication and symptom free (i.e. no fever, etc.) for a minimum of 24 hours.  Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare will only administer prescription medications to the child(ren) if prescribed by a medical professional.  Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare will require that parents provide:


  • Written authorization, including medication name, dosage and time medication should be administered

  • Medication must be in the original container (i.e. pharmacy pill bottle, etc.), clearly labeled with the child's name, dosage, and instruction for storage and administration of the medication. Please put in a plastic baggie with your child's name labeled on it and hand it directly to us.  Do not leave any medication(s) in your child’s diaper bag or backpack.

  • No medications that are not properly labeled will be given.


These guidelines are fair and standard practice among daycare associations, day homes, and schools.  The health, safety, and well-being of ALL children in our care is our priority.  We cannot realistically care for a sick child and give proper care to the other children in our care.      


Injury: If your child(ren) happen to become injured while they are in the care of Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare, we are not legally or financially liable for any costs of medical care, including medical transportation.  If your child(ren) get a scrape or small cut, we will clean the wound using proper First-Aid techniques and treat it with antibiotic ointment and an appropriate bandage.  In the event of any severe or life-threatening injury, Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare will first call 9-1-1 and then call parent or emergency contact(s).                 


Behavioral Concerns:  Parents will be contacted and may be requested to pick up their child(ren) if we feel the child’s behavior warrants it (i.e. constant bullying of others, hitting, biting, screaming, etc.).  If the child’s behavior continuously disrupts the safety and care of others, Itsy-Bitsy Tots may terminate this childcare agreement.

Guardian Initials:                   


Meals: The children in our care are offered food, not forced to eat.  Children who choose not to eat during the appropriate snack/mealtime, will not be served additional food until the next snack/mealtime.  Please feel free to discuss your child's need for additional food, such as for medical reasons.  We will serve healthy meals and snacks based on the U.S. Food Guide.  We make and offer a lot of homemade food and a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.  We offer morning snacks, lunch, and afternoon snacks.  This is a general schedule of our daily meals and snacks;

  • Breakfast: Parents must feed child prior to dropping off or provide own food.

  • AM snack: 10:00am – 10:30am

  • Lunch: 11:15am – 12:30pm

  • PM snack 3:00pm – 3:30pm


On occasion, we may serve treats like cupcakes or ice cream on special occasions like birthdays or holidays.  Please keep our eating schedule in mind when dropping off your child for the day.  Any infant/child that is fed baby food, breastmilk or formula must have these supplied by the parents.


Special Diets: If your child has any particular dietary need, we must be informed.  If your child has any food intolerance or allergies, substitute meals or snacks may be brought from home. This is not a nut-free home        


Potty Training: When you feel that your child is ready, we ask that you begin potty training your child at home.  We will follow through and encourage your child to use the potty while in our care, however, we are not responsible to fully potty train your child. Toilet training will be done in a relaxed manner with the cooperation of the family. When the child is showing readiness, they must be kept in pull-ups at all times for health and safety reasons. Please keep in mind that the activity level here can distract your child from responding to an urge to use the potty, more so than at your home. Therefore, we will continue to use pull-ups until your child is consistently responding to the urge to go and having infrequent accidents. Parents will be responsible to provide any training pants or pull-ups and change of clothing needed for your child.


Diaper Changes: Diapers are checked and/or changed every two hours or more frequently if necessary.  Disposable diapers are fine.  Cloth diapers are welcome too.  Parents must provide a clean supply of easy to use, reliable cloth diapers and a wet bag.  Soiled cloth diapers will be sent home daily.  Parents must provide an adequate supply of diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, and at least one extra outfit.


We will send soiled, wet or dirty clothes home daily.  Please check your child’s backpack daily to replace with fresh clothes if need be. We will not wash soiled, wet or dirty clothes.  We will do our best to notify parent if there are any soiled, wet or dirty clothing being sent home.                


Naps/Quiet Time: We offer toddlers naps, generally as needed.  Every effort will be made to ensure a proper rest time or at a minimum, a restful quiet time.  If your child has a favorite blanket or comfort toy, you are certainly welcome to bring these.  Children who no longer nap will have quiet time in the play area while the others nap.  Quiet time activities may include puzzles, quiet games or toys, story time, coloring, etc.  Infants will be put down for regular naps, and nap as often as they like.  If you have any special nap requests, please be sure to notify us and we will do our best to accommodate, however, there is only so much we can do to get the child to nap.                 


Supplies Needed:  It is essential children are appropriately dressed for the day.  Parents are responsible for supplying weather-appropriate, well-fitting clothing each day.  We will play outdoors when the weather is appropriate.  We may be outdoors for several hours a day in the spring/summer/fall months.  If your child does not have weather appropriate clothing, they will not be permitted to go outside for the day



Warm winter coat and snow pants, hat, neck gator or scarf, warm winter boots, warm waterproof mittens.



Rain Jacket, rubber boots, running shoes, An extra layer like hoody or fleece, gloves/mitts and hat for chilly mornings.



Light jacket or hoody, running shoes & socks &/or sport sandals, flip flops only for water play in the backyard. Bathing suit and water shoes may be brought for days we play outside in the water, sunscreen.



Waterproof fall jacket, layers like fleece to be worn underneath, rubber boots, running shoes, gloves/mitts & hat.


Toys and Other Items: Your child(ren) may bring a toy from home but do so at their own risk.  Should any toy that is brought from home be broken or lost, Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare will not be responsible for the cost of replacement of that toy.  Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare will have a variety of toys available for play.  Should your child deliberately destroy Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare toys or other property in our home through willful misuse or carelessness, the parent of that child will be required to cover the cost of replacement or repair.


Revisions to Contract/Handbook: Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare reserve the right to revise this Childcare Contract as needed.  Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare reserve the right to make changes to rates and policies as deemed necessary. You will be notified in writing of any changes to childcare agreement or rates that occur.  A new childcare agreement contract may be signed at that time.


I/We have read, understand, and agree to comply with this provider's contract.


Parent(s) will sign an official copy of this contract upon enrollment of their child(ren) into our care.


Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday

7:00am - 6:00pm

Content © Copyright 2023-2024 by Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare.  All Rights Reserved

Itsy-Bitsy Tots Childcare

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2344 W 4875 N | Cedar City, Utah 84721

(435) 531-3620 |

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